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작성자 WalterINTEW 댓글 0건 조회 15회 작성일 24-03-07 22:57


Cougar attacks mountain bikers on Washington trail
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At least one cougar stalked and then attacked a group of five mountain bikers on a trail in Washington Saturday, injuring one cyclist, wildlife officials say.
The cyclists managed to pin down the cougar and call emergency services before a wildlife officer arrived and killed the animal, while a second cougar apparently fled, the King County Sheriff’s Office said in a statement.
The attack occurred around 12:30 p.m. ET Saturday, wildlife officials said.
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The mountain bikers reported being stalked and attacked in the wilderness along Tokul Creek, about 5 miles north of Snoqualmie, the sheriff’s office said.
“One biker (reportedly a 60-year-old female) received either claw or bite injuries from one of the cats during this incident,” the statement continued. “The injured woman was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries.”
Initial reports suggested the cyclists used a bike to pin down the cougar, the sheriff’s office said. KCSO deputies, wildlife agents and medical personnel responded to their 911 call.
Washington State Fish and Wildlife police spokesperson Becky Elder told CNN via email that an officer shot the cougar with a firearm.
“Fish and Wildlife personnel removed one subadult cougar at the scene, it is presumed to be older than six months however an accurate age will be determined by officials once tooth data is taken from the cougar,” Elder said.
A “hound handler” was brought in to track a second cougar that witnesses said had fled back into the forest, the department said in a news release.


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